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现行 RP-935
Protocol for Field Testing of Tall Buildings to Determine Envelope Air Leakage Rate 确定围护结构空气泄漏率的高层建筑现场测试协议
对于在高层建筑中工作的暖通空调工程师来说,建筑物的围护结构泄漏面积是决定内部压差和烟囱效应导致的气流的关键因素。在较冷的气候条件下,这是一个重要的问题,因为这些压差和气流会导致较低楼层的热负荷比较高楼层大得多,内部空气处理系统的性能不平衡,以及对某些类型的烟雾控制系统的严重干扰。本研究的目的是描述和评估文献中报告的所有测量程序和技术- 建筑围护结构泄漏,并推荐一种程序,该程序在有效测量通过全部或部分建筑围护结构的非受控泄漏方面提供最佳折衷方案,在所需专业知识和设备、对正常建筑运行的干扰以及特殊天气条件的需要方面,成本最低。它还将在选定的建筑物上使用测试程序,其中至少有一座建筑物应为高度超过40层的商业建筑物。该测试将提供有关测量对天气条件和程序变化的敏感性的信息。 首席调查员:G.K.Yuill和W.P.Bahnfleth,宾夕法尼亚州立大学主持:1996年4月至1998年2月赞助:TG,高层建筑
For HVAC engineers working in tall buildings, the envelope leakage area of the building is a key factor in determining the internal pressure differences and airflows due to stack effect. This is an important concern in colder climates, as these pressure differences and airflows can result in much larger heating loads on lower floors than upper floors, in unbalanced performance from internal air handling systems, and significant interference with some types of smoke control systems. This objective of this research is to describe and assess all the measurement procedures and techniques that have been used for measurements reported in the literature on whole-building envelope leakage and recommending a procedure that offers the best compromise in terms of a useful measurement of uncontrolled leakage through all or part of the building envelope, at a minimum cost in terms of expertise and equipment required, disruption to normal building operation, and need for special weather conditions. It will also utilize the test procedure on a selection of buildings, at least one of which should be a commercial building over 40 storeys in height. This testing will provide information on the sensitivity of the measurement to weather conditions and variations in procedure.PRINCAL INVESTIGATOR: G.K. Yuill and W.P. Bahnfleth, Pennsylvania State UniversityCONDUCTED:April 1996 - February 1998SPONSORED BY:TG, Tall Buildings
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类