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现行 ACI 543R-12
Recommendations for Design, Manufacture, & Installation of Concrete Piles 混凝土桩的设计、制造和安装建议
发布日期: 2012-03-01
桩是安装在管道中的细长结构元件 支撑负载或压实土壤的地面。他们是 由多种材料或材料与材料的组合制成 通过冲击驱动、顶升、振动、喷射、, 钻孔、灌浆或这些技术的组合。痔疮 很难进行总结和分类,因为 许多类型和新类型仍在开发中。这 报告仅涵盖了目前在北方使用的桩的类型 美国建筑项目。可以指定桩类型 各种机构提供的各种名称或分类, 不同地理区域的代码、技术组和。 本文没有试图将各种各样的名称与给定的桩类型相协调。
Piles are slender structural elements installed in the ground to support a load or compact the soil. They are made of several materials or combinations of materials and are installed by impact driving, jacking, vibrating, jetting, drilling, grouting, or combinations of these techniques. Piles are difficult to summarize and classify because there are many types, and new types are still being developed. This report covers only the types of piles currently used in North American construction projects. A pile type can be assigned a wide variety of names or classifications by various agencies, codes, technical groups, and in various geographical regions. No attempt is made herein to reconcile the wide variety of names used with a given pile type.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国混凝土学会