This powerpoint presentation begins by providing the dual-objective project goals of an effort by the city of Ann Arbor, Michigan, that include:
protect maximum population from
distribution system contamination; and,
detect degradation of water quality due to
natural causes such as high water age,
biofilm, and nitrification. A brief overview of the city of Ann Arbor is provided, along with project scope that includes the following topics:
Technology Assessment; Instrument/Parameter Selection; Monitoring Location Selection; Instrument Pilot Testing; and, Preliminary Design Development. Conclusions were that: on-line distribution system monitoring is
feasible and can provide benefits for both
contamination and water quality
monitors should be pilot tested to verify
performance in specific water matrices;
cost of a system will vary with the
infrastructure available for monitor
installation and data communication; and,
alarm limits and response protocols will be
essential for any system. Includes tables, figures.