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现行 ISO/TR 11225:2012
Space environment (natural and artificial) — Guide to reference and standard atmosphere models 空间环境(自然和人工)——参考和标准大气模型指南
发布日期: 2012-10-03
ISO/TR 11225:2012为工程设计或科学研究中使用的选定参考和标准大气模型提供了指南。它描述了模型的内容、不确定性和局限性、技术基础、形成模型的数据库、出版物参考资料,以及七十(70)个以上地球和行星大气模型的计算机代码来源,适用于从地面到4000公里的高度,这在航空航天科学中得到普遍认可。ISO/TR 11225:2012旨在帮助飞机和航天器设计师和开发者、地球物理学家、气象学家和气候学家理解可用模型,比较数据来源,并解释基于不同大气模型的工程和科学结果。 ISO/TR 11225:2012在信息可用的范围内总结了模型的主要特征: -模型内容; -模型的不确定性和局限性; -模型的基础; -出版物参考文献; -开发日期、作者和赞助商; -模型代码和来源。
ISO/TR 11225:2012 provides guidelines for selected reference and standard atmospheric models for use in engineering design or scientific research. It describes the content of the models, uncertainties and limitations, technical basis, databases from which the models are formed, publication references, and sources of computer code where available for over seventy (70) Earth and planetary atmospheric models, for altitudes from surface to 4 000 km, which are generally recognized in the aerospace sciences. ISO/TR 11225:2012 is intended to assist aircraft and space vehicle designers and developers, geophysicists, meteorologists, and climatologists in understanding available models, comparing sources of data, and interpreting engineering and scientific results based on different atmospheric models. ISO/TR 11225:2012 summarizes the principal features of the models to the extent the information is available: - model content; - model uncertainties and limitations; - basis of the model; - publication references; - dates of development, authors and sponsors; - model codes and sources.
归口单位: ISO/TC 20/SC 14