This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of Estes Park, Colorado, and two of its water treatment plants (WTPs), Glacier
Creek and Mary's Lake. Mary's Lake WTP improvements to meet
the town's objectives included:
design flow 4 mgd;
meet regulatory requirements (SWTR, LT2ESWTR);
minimize wastewater to sewer;
minimize cost of improvements;
utilize existing building without major expansion; and,
currently under construction. The cost of wastewater discharge to sewer is presented, along with comparative industrial wastewater rates in
surrounding communities, treatment options considered for
minimizing wastewater discharge, 2 stage submerged membranes was the selected treatment, waste streams in the plant, waste streams at 4 mgd plant flow, conservation of space along with water, water reuse in the temporary treatment
system, managing temporary waste flows, and approximate project costs. Includes tables.