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现行 AT-19-004
A Comparison of the Annual Energy Use of Fixed- and Variable-Airflow Parallel Fan-Powered Terminal Units in a Small Office Building 小型办公楼中固定和可变气流并联风机供电终端装置的年能耗比较
采用工程方程求解器(EES)(Klein and Alvarado 2015)实现了质量和能量平衡(MEB)方法,以估算单风管可变风量(VAV)系统的年度能量性能,该系统采用固定和可变气流并联风机驱动终端装置(FPTU)。评估了由可控硅整流器控制的永久分裂电容电机和电子交流电机(ECM)的风扇,以及泄漏的能量影响。还对变量进行了比较- 和固定气流系列FPTUs。五区建筑中的每小时分区广告是使用Energy Plus生成的。每小时区域负荷和天气数据被用作单管道VAV系统模型的输入,使用EES估算五个城市五个区域建筑的能源使用:德克萨斯州休斯顿;亚利桑那州凤凰城;伊利诺伊州芝加哥;纽约;结果显示,固定气流ECM和PSCparallel FPTUs之间的能耗差异不到0.4%。可变气流并联装置提供的最大值为0。 与基线固定气流平行FPTU相比,节省8%。对并联FPTU模拟了冷却模式下5%和10%的泄漏。泄漏率为5%的并联机组与可变气流串联机组的性能相当。在所有五个城市中,将泄漏增加到10%否定了并联机组相对于可变气流串联机组的任何好处。引用:2019年冬季会议,佐治亚州亚特兰大,技术论文
A mass and energy balance (MEB) approach was implementedusing Engineering Equation Solver (EES) (Klein andAlvarado 2015) to estimate the annual energy performanceofasingle-duct variable-air-volume(VAV)system with fixedandvariable-airflow parallel fan-powered terminal units(FPTUs). Fans with both permanent-split capacitor motorscontrolled by silicon control rectifiers and electronicallycommutated motors (ECMs) were evaluated, along with theenergy impact of leakage. A comparison was also providedto variable- and fixed-airflow series FPTUs. Hourly zoneloads in a five-zone building were generated using Energy-Plus. The hourly zone loads and weather data were used asinput to a single-duct VAV system model using EES to estimatethe energy use for a five-zone building in five cities:Houston, TX; Phoenix, AZ; Chicago, IL; New York, NY; andSan Francisco, CA. The results showed less than 0.4% differencein energy use between the fixed-airflow ECM and PSCparallel FPTUs. Variable-airflow parallel units provided amaximum of 0.8% savings compared to the baseline fixedairflowparallel FPTU. Leakages of 5% and 10% in coolingmode were simulated for parallel FPTUs. Parallel units with5% leakage performed comparably to variable-airflowseries units. Increasing leakage to 10% negated any benefitthat a parallel unit had over the variable-airflow series unitsin all five cities.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类