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现行 ACI 221RS-96
Guide for Use of Normal Weight and Heavyweight Aggregates in Concrete - Spanish Language 混凝土中正常重量和重质骨料的使用指南.西班牙语
发布日期: 2001-01-01
本指南介绍了混凝土中正常重量和重质骨料的选择和使用信息。混凝土中骨料的选择和使用应基于技术标准、经济考虑以及对施工区域普遍可用骨料类型的了解。骨料的性质及其加工和处理影响塑性混凝土和硬化混凝土的性质。加工、储存和骨料质量控制程序的有效性将影响混凝土性能的批次间和日常变化。如果使用不符合规范要求的骨料的混凝土性能可以接受,则可以使用这些骨料。这将在边际总量主题下讨论(第6章)。 可回收或由废物产生的材料是混凝土骨料的潜在来源;但是,可能需要进行特殊评估。
This guide presents information on selection and use of normal weight and heavyweight aggregates in concrete. The selection and use of aggregates in concrete should be based on technical criteria as well as economic considerations and knowledge of types of aggregates generally available in the area of construction. The properties of aggregates and their processing and handling influence the properties of both plastic and hardened concrete. The effectiveness of processing, stockpiling, and aggregate quality control procedures will have an effect on batch-to-batch and day-to-day variation in the properties of concrete. Aggregates that do not comply with the specification requirements may be suitable for use if the properties of the concrete using these aggregates are acceptable. This is discussed under the topic of marginal aggregates (Chapter 6). Materials that can be recycled or produced from waste products are potential sources of concrete aggregates; however, special evaluation may be necessary.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国混凝土学会