IEC 61995-1. Devices for the connection of luminaires for household and similar purposes. Part 1. General requirements
IEC 61995-1 家用和类似用途灯具连接装置 第一部分 一般要求
Cross References:IEC 60083:1997IEC 60227-5:1997IEC 60228:1978IEC 60417:1973IEC 60598-1:1999IEC 60670-1:2002IEC 60695-2-10:2000IEC 60999-1:1999IEC 61032:1997IEC 61140:1997ISO 1456:1988ISO 2039-2:1987ISO 2081:1986ISO 2093:1986All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.