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现行 LV-17-009
Development of a Heat Transfer Model for Ceiling Radiant Cooling Panels through a Combined Experimental and Simulation Study 通过实验和模拟研究建立天花板辐射冷却板的传热模型
本文描述了一项实验和模拟研究,以评估印度现有建筑中安装的辐射冷却系统的负荷处理能力和热性能。为了评估容量和热性能,使用EnergyPlus(DOE 2015)building energymodeling工具进行了实验和模拟。根据实验结果,开发并校准了建筑模型。然后使用校准后的模型在不同操作条件下进行参数分析。结果表明,天花板辐射冷却板的制冷能力为25至72 W/m²(7)。 在供水温度分别为15°C至20°C(59°F至68°F)的情况下。这些结果也通过评估ANSI/ASHRAE标准138中给出的特征性能指数(nco)进行了验证。引用:2017年冬季会议,内华达州拉斯维加斯,交易,第123卷,第1部分
This paper describes an experimental and simulationstudy to estimate the load handling capacity and thermalperformance of a radiant cooling system installed in an existingbuilding in India. To evaluate capacity and thermal performance,experiments were conducted and simulations werecarried out using the EnergyPlus (DOE 2015) building energymodeling tool. A building model was developed and calibratedusing the experimental results. The calibrated model was thenused to perform a parametric analysis at different operatingconditions. The results show that ceiling radiant coolingpanels can handle cooling capacities of 25 to 72 W/m2(7.92to 22.82 Btu/h·ft2)at supply water temperatures of 15°C to20°C (59°F to 68°F) respectively. These results were also validatedby evaluating the characteristic performance exponent(nco") given in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 138.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类