This paper describes an experimental and simulationstudy to estimate the load handling capacity and thermalperformance of a radiant cooling system installed in an existingbuilding in India. To evaluate capacity and thermal performance,experiments were conducted and simulations werecarried out using the EnergyPlus (DOE 2015) building energymodeling tool. A building model was developed and calibratedusing the experimental results. The calibrated model was thenused to perform a parametric analysis at different operatingconditions. The results show that ceiling radiant coolingpanels can handle cooling capacities of 25 to 72 W/m2(7.92to 22.82 Btu/h·ft2)at supply water temperatures of 15°C to20°C (59°F to 68°F) respectively. These results were also validatedby evaluating the characteristic performance exponent(nco") given in ANSI/ASHRAE Standard 138.