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现行 ISO/IEC TR 14543-4:2002
Information technology — Home Electronic System (HES) architecture — Part 4: Home and building automation in a mixed-use building 信息技术——家用电子系统(HES)体系结构第4部分:混合用途建筑中的家庭和楼宇自动化
发布日期: 2002-08-28
ISO/IEC 14543的这一部分介绍了家庭整体建筑管理的方法 电子系统(HES)架构。建筑和家庭控制系统的相互作用 需要区分建筑经理和租户的责任。解决问题的方法 执行建筑经理和租户之间关于用户访问的协议 并指定通过防火墙控制应用程序。 本技术报告补充了ISO/IEC 14543系列,即HES(家庭)体系结构 电子系统),以适应家庭和楼宇的混合自动化 建筑物这两种系统可以共存于一栋有商店、办公室和公寓的建筑中。一些 系统适用于整个建筑,而不是适用于 仅限个人公寓和办公室。在某些情况下,这些系统需要相互作用。 本技术报告提出了一个连接建筑和家庭控制系统的逻辑模型 即使两者使用不同的组件物理布局。基本建议 是: ?可能的话,考虑独立的建筑和家庭自动化控制系统 由不同制造商提供; ?明确建筑和家庭控制系统之间的连接点; ?限制建筑物和家庭控制系统之间的连接点数量, 最好是每个家庭系统一个; ?容纳为建筑租户提供本地系统用户控制的系统。这 支持一种体系结构,在这种体系结构中,可以为用户设计产品以覆盖控制 在与建筑管理层商定的参数范围内做出决定。这样的行动是被执行的 受楼宇自动化系统和本地系统的影响。 这提高了用户的安全性和安全性 用户隐私; ?在基于不同体系结构的系统之间提供无缝链接 包含不同的通信协议,可从不同的供应商处购买 制造商。
This part of ISO/IEC 14543 presents methods for overall building management of the home electronic system (HES) architecture. The interaction of building and home control systems requires a demarcation between building manager versus tenant responsibilities. A method for implementing agreements between building managers and tenants regarding user access to and control of applications via a firewall is specified. This technical report augments series ISO/IEC 14543, the architecture of HES (Home Electronic System), in order to accommodate both home and building automation in a mixeduse building. Both systems may coexist in a building with shops, offices and apartments. Some systems are applicable to the whole building versus the systems which are applicable to individual apartments and offices only. In some cases these systems need to interact. This technical report proposes a logical model for linking building and home control systems even if the two use different physical arrangements of components. The basic recommendations are: ?allow for distinct and separate building and home automation control systems, possibly supplied by different manufacturers; ?define clear points of connection between building and home control systems; ?limit the number of points of connection between building and home control systems, preferably to one per home system; ?accommodate systems that provide building tenants with user control of local systems. This favors an architecture where products can be designed for the user to override control decisions within parameters agreed with building management. Such actions are exercised by the building automation system and affect local systems. This enhances user safety and user privacy; ?provide seamless links between systems that are based on different architectures, that incorporate different communications protocols, and that may be purchased from different manufacturers.
发布单位或类别: 国际组织-国际标准化组织
归口单位: ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 25