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现行 BS EN ISO 14916:2017
ENISO 14916 Thermal spraying -- Determination of tensile adhesive strength 热喷涂 拉伸粘合强度的测定
发布日期: 2017-03-31
BS EN ISO 14916:2017规定了测定热喷涂涂层拉伸粘合强度的程序 通过拉伸试验,在垂直于涂层表面的方向上拉伸涂层。 通过使用该程序,可确保测试结果的可比性。该试验旨在确定热喷涂涂层之间的拉伸粘合强度 以及基底材料或粘合剂和面漆之间和/或粘合剂的内聚强度 涂层系统的相关涂层。在某些情况下,热喷涂涂层可能有两个以上 层。本文件中规定的方法也适用于测定拉伸粘合强度 在由两层以上组成的涂层系统中,不同层的界面之间。该试验足以比较使用相同或类似原料和材料制造的涂层 热喷涂过程相互影响。拉伸粘合强度试验的目的不是提供 用于评估操作使用下涂层耐久性的绝对值。该试验用于评估基材制备、喷涂条件和工艺的影响 热喷涂涂层拉伸粘合强度的参数。它也可以用于 以监控制造和喷涂过程的一致性。注:该拉伸试验也适用于非常薄的涂层。此外,粘结的渗透 热喷涂涂层中含有所需孔隙率的添加剂可以使用 适当的粘合剂(箔而非液体)。有关更多说明,请参考6.5.3。这是拉伸的 本试验不适用于测定使用自熔剂沉积的熔融喷涂涂层的粘合强度 合金由于其固有的高粘附强度值。交叉引用:ISO 7500-1ISO 14917EN 13507ISO 8501-1ISO 8503-1ISO 13779-4ISO 14924ASTM C633-13EN 13144购买本文件时提供的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN ISO 14916:2017 specifies the procedure to determine the tensile adhesive strength of thermally sprayed coatings under tension in the direction normal to the surface of the coating by applying a tensile test. By using this procedure, comparability of the test results is ensured.The test is intended to determine the tensile adhesive strength between the thermally sprayed coating and the substrate material or between the bond and top coat and/or of the cohesive strength of the related coat of the coating system. In some cases, thermally sprayed coatings might have more than two layers. The method specified in this document applies also to determine the tensile adhesive strength between the interfaces of different layers in a coating system which consists of more than two layers.This test is sufficient to compare coatings manufactured using same or similar feedstock materials and thermal spray processes with each other. The tensile adhesive strength test is not intended to provide absolute values for evaluation of the durability of coatings under operational use.The test is used to assess the influence of substrate preparation, the spraying conditions and the process parameter on the tensile adhesive strength of thermally sprayed coatings. It can also be employed in order to monitor the consistency of the manufacturing and spraying processes.NOTE This tensile test can also be applied to very thin coatings. Moreover, the infiltration of bonding agent into the thermally sprayed coatings containing a required level of porosity can be minimized using an appropriate bonding agent (foil rather than liquid). For further instructions, please refer to 6.5.3. This tensile test is inappropriate for determining the adhesive strength of fused spray coatings deposited using self-fluxing alloys due to their inherent high adhesion strength values.Cross References:ISO 7500-1ISO 14917EN 13507ISO 8501-1ISO 8503-1ISO 13779-4ISO 14924ASTM C633-13EN 13144All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会