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现行 ISO/TS 21602:2022
Fire safety engineering — Estimating the reduction in movement speed based on visibility and irritant species concentration 消防安全工程.根据能见度和刺激物浓度估算移动速度的降低
发布日期: 2022-12-21
本文件的目的是为设计师提供可用于基于性能的消防安全设计的相关性,以表示建筑物居住者在能见度低的环境中行走时移动速度的降低,该环境也包含刺激物。为确定性分析和概率分析提供了不同的相关性。 人们认识到,能见度和刺激性物质浓度的值可以用作基于性能的消防安全设计中的性能标准。本文件中未规定与可见性和刺激性物质相关的性能标准。但是,在应用本文件时,始终需要考虑相关的性能标准。例如,如果在设计计算中违反了与能见度或刺激性物质浓度相关的性能标准,则不能假设乘员继续移动。人们还认识到,火灾烟雾会对疏散过程中居住者的认知过程产生影响。这种对认知的影响不在本文档中,但如果认为有重大影响,可以考虑。 火灾烟雾也会影响行为(例如,如果居住者进入日益恶化的烟雾条件,他们会改变他们的移动路径)。这种类型的行为改变不包括在本文件中,但如果被认为具有重大影响,可以考虑。 在一些司法管辖区,不允许将火灾烟雾纳入逃生路线作为消防安全设计的一部分;本文件不适用于此类情况。

The aim of this document is to provide designers with correlations that can be used in performance-based fire safety design to represent the reduction of movement speed of building occupants when walking in an environment with low visibility, which also contains irritants. Different correlations are provided for deterministic analysis and probabilistic analysis.

It is recognized that values for visibility and irritant species concentration can be used as performance criteria in performance-based fire safety design. Performance criteria related to visibility and irritant species are not specified in this document. However, it is always necessary to take into account relevant performance criteria when applying this document. For example, an occupant cannot be assumed to continue moving if a performance criterion related to visibility or irritant species concentration is violated in the design calculations.

It is also recognized that fire smoke can have an influence on the cognitive processes of occupants during evacuation. This type of influence on cognition is not covered in this document but can be considered if deemed to have a major impact.

Fire smoke can also influence behaviour (e.g. occupants changing their movement path if moving into worsening smoke conditions). This type of behaviour change is not included in this document but can be considered if deemed to have a major impact.

In some jurisdictions, it is not permitted to include fire smoke in escape routes as part of the fire safety design; this document is not applicable in such situations.

归口单位: ISO/TC 92/SC 4