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现行 4369(RP-980)
Experimental Analysis of Measurement and Control Techniques of Outside Air Intake Rates in VAV Systems 变风量空调系统室外进气量测控技术的实验分析
本文介绍了四种气流测量技术和六种控制技术在变风量(VAV)系统中保持最小室外进气率的实验评估结果。实验测试在可控环境下进行,使用配备全尺寸HVAC系统的实验室。实验研究表明,使用平均皮托管阵列或电子热风速计直接测量外部气流的控制策略提供了最佳的通风控制。使用根据二氧化碳浓度平衡计算得出的室外气流速率进行系统控制,也可以充分控制通风速率,除非占用率较低或室外空气仅占输送的供气的一小部分。此外,结果表明,在常见的建筑运行条件下,使用温度平衡来计算室外进气率是无效的。 当无法测量外部空气流量时,增压压力控制能够充分控制外部空气进气量。最后,事实证明,固定的最小外部空气挡板位置和体积风扇跟踪控制策略都不足以维持VAV系统中的最小通风率。单位:投资:ASHRAE交易,第106卷,pt。2.
This paper presents the results of an experimental evaluation of four airflow measurement techniques and six control techniques used for maintaining minimum outside air intake rates in variable air volume (VAV) systems. The experimental testing was conducted in a controllable environment using a laboratory equipped with a full-size HVAC system. The experimental study indicated that control strategies using the direct measurement of the outside airflow from an averaging pitot-tube array or an electronic thermal anemometer provided the best ventilation control. System control using the outside airflow rate calculated from a CO2concentration balance also provided adequate control of ventilation rates expect when occupancy was low or when the outside air represented a small fraction of the supply air delivered. In addition, results showed that the use of a temperature balance to calculate outside air intake rates is not valid under common building operating conditions. When measurement of the outside airflow rate was not possible, plenum pressure control was capable of providing adequate control of outside air intake rates. Finally, a fixed minimum outside air damper position and volumetric fan tracking control strategies both proved to be inadequate control techniques for maintaining minimum ventilation rates in VAV systems.Units: I-P
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类