Design and Construction Code for mechanical equipments of innovative nuclear installations
交叉引用:EN 10216-1:2002EN 10216-2:2002+A2:2007EN 10216-5:2004EN ISO 1127:1996ISO 1127EN 13445-3:2002REC 3257.4RCC-M B 5000ASME SA 387:2010EN 10028-2:2009ASME/ANSI B36。19MASME第三节第1部分和2 SME第八节第2部分ISO 10303-2033-214:2010ISO 10303-239:2005ISO 10303-235:2009ISO 15926购买本文件时可用的所有当前修订版均包含在购买本文件中。
Cross References:EN 10216-1:2002EN 10216-2:2002+A2:2007EN 10216-5:2004EN ISO 1127:1996ISO 1127EN 13445-3:2002REC 3257.4RCC-M B 5000ASME SA 387:2010EN 10028-2:2009ASME/ANSI B36.19MASME Sec III Division 1 and 2ASME Sec VIII Division 2ISO 10303-203ISO 10303-214:2010ISO 10303-239:2005ISO 10303-235:2009ISO 15926All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.