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现行 BS PD CEN/TR/ISO/ASTM 52912:2020
Additive manufacturing. Design. Functionally graded additive manufacturing 添加剂制造 设计功能梯度添加剂制造
发布日期: 2020-10-15
使用添加剂制造(AM)可以制造几何复杂的部件 通过以受控的方式精确地沉积材料。AM硬件的技术进步, 软件以及新市场的开放要求更高的灵活性和更高的效率 在今天的产品中,鼓励研究具有功能梯度和高性能的新型材料 能力。这被称为功能梯度添加剂制造 (FGAM),一种逐层制造技术,涉及逐步改变 组件内的材料组织,以满足预期功能。 正如该领域的研究 由于受到全世界的关注,FGAM概念的解释需要进一步澄清。 本文件的目的是从概念上理解FGAM。现状 FGAM技术的艺术和能力将与其具有挑战性的技术一起进行审查 障碍和限制。这里对数据交换格式和一些最新应用进行了评估, 随后就克服障碍的可能策略和未来方向提出建议 让FGAM起飞。购买本文件时可获得的所有当前修订均包含在购买本文件中。
The use of Additive Manufacturing (AM) enables the fabrication of geometrically complex components by accurately depositing materials in a controlled way. Technological progress in AM hardware, software, as well as the opening of new markets demand for higher flexibility and greater efficiency in today's products, encouraging research into novel materials with functionally graded and highperformance capabilities. This has been termed as Functionally Graded Additive Manufacturing (FGAM), a layer-by-layer fabrication technique that involves gradationally varying the ratio of the material organization within a component to meet an intended function. As research in this field has gained worldwide interest, the interpretations of the FGAM concept requires greater clarification. The objective of this document is to present a conceptual understanding of FGAM. The current-state of art and capabilities of FGAM technology will be reviewed alongside with its challenging technological obstacles and limitations. Here, data exchange formats and some of the recent application is evaluated, followed with recommendations on possible strategies in overcoming barriers and future directions for FGAM to take off.All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.
发布单位或类别: 英国-英国标准学会