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现行 PH-97-06-2
Potential for Using Enhanced Aluminium Extrusions for Refrigerator Heat Exchangers 冰箱热交换器使用增强型铝型材的可能性
用于汽车空调系统中紧凑型热交换器的挤压铝管被考虑用于制造家用冰箱的冷凝器和蒸发器。参数分析近似地权衡了主要成本决定因素(铝质量、制冷剂库存和回路数量),受体积和霜尘污染的限制,并确定了与传统的线对管冷凝器和翅片管蒸发器具有竞争力的管配置。数百个有限差分方程被用来代表每个热交换器,并确定了最佳组件配置。最好的冷凝器设计是使用一根带有10个亚毫米端口的管子,带有6毫米(0.24英寸)的横向翅片,以增加传热。最佳蒸发器设计也有两个并联回路,并包含横向翅片,但只有一个相对较大的端口。对三个问题进行了近似估计- 尺寸和其他影响,因此最佳部件设计可作为完整系统优化的初始猜测,以最小化材料和制冷剂成本。结果表明,存在与传统换热器成本相当的可行设计。此外,挤压铝换热器可减少制冷剂加注量,并提供与当前技术相当的系统性能系数(COP)。关键词:1997年,家用,冰箱,热交换器,铝,冷凝器,蒸发器,热流,优化,比较,压降,测量,性能系数:研讨会,ASHRAE Trans。1997年,第103卷,第一部分
Extruded aluminium tubing of the type used for compact heat exchangers in automotive air conditioning systems is considered for use in the manufacture of a condenser and evaporator for domestic refrigerators. Parametric analyses approximated trade-offs among primary cost determinants (aluminium mass, refrigerant inventory, and number of circuits), subject to volume and frost- and dust-fouling constraints, and identified tube configurations that would be competitive with conventional wire-on-tube condensers and finned-tube evaporators. Several hundred finite-difference equations were used to represent each heat exchanger, and optimal component configurations were determined. The best condenser design used a tube with 10 submillimetre ports with 6-mm (0.24-in) lateral fins to increase heat transfer. The optimal evaporator design also had two parallel circuits and incorporated lateral fins, but had only one relatively large port. Approximations were made regarding three-dimensional and other effects so the optimal component designs could be used as initial guesses for a full-system optimisation to minimise material plus refrigerant costs. The results suggested the existence of feasible designs that are comparable in cost to conventional heat exchangers. Further, the extruded aluminium exchangers reduce refrigerant charge and provide a system coefficient of performance (COP) comparable to current technology.KEYWORDS: year 1997, Domestic, refrigerators, heat exchangers, aluminium, condensers, evaporators, heat flow, optimisation, comparing, pressure drop, measuring, coefficient of performance
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