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现行 AWWA WQTC60655
Disinfection Byproduct Control with Chlorine Dioxide and Other Alternative Oxidant Strategies 用二氧化氯和其他替代氧化剂控制消毒副产物
发布日期: 2004-11-15
许多公用事业公司面临消毒副产品(DBP)控制相关问题的挑战。可供替代的 可用于实现目标的策略包括:将氯气应用点移到下游;分裂 两个施用点之间的总氯剂量;或者,利用替代氧化剂。都是钾 高锰酸盐和二氧化氯已经证明可以减少DBP的形成。更具体地说,作为一种有效的 二氧化氯(ClO2)是隐孢子虫的氧化剂和成功的消毒剂 有希望的结果。虽然ClO2剂量受到无机DBP形成的限制,但ClO2形成的剂量较少 与氯相比,调节有机DBP。本研究的主要目的是系统地测试: 在中试水平上,替代策略和氧化剂对DBP形成的影响; 评估 通过有机DBP的量化,在预氧化剂和初级消毒剂方案下使用ClO2 在实验室规模上形成。 通常情况下,两种加氯的替代策略都会导致在现场测得的DBP生成量减少 24小时采样点。此外,随着氯剂量的减少,DBP的生成也减少。总三卤甲烷(TTHM) 分解氯时,卤乙酸(HAA5)的生成量平均分别减少27%和16% 将加氯点从急流下游移动时,剂量和浓度分别降低11%和7% 混合到中等程度。当将整个剂量的氯移动到沉淀后,TTHM和HAA5 形成减少了大约50%。替代氧化剂也成功地降低了DBP 形成:在KMnO4和ClO2预氧化条件下,TTHM分别为36%和53%,以及39%和55% 分别用于HAA5形成。 在实验室评估了ClO2作为预氧化剂或初级消毒剂对TTHM和HAA5形成的影响 四个水源。在一级消毒条件下,在24小时内,TTHM和HAA5形成 样本点平均分别减少了50%和34%。在预氧化条件下,TTHM 阵型平均减少了33%,而HAA5阵型的阵型实际显示为平均水平 增长27%。包括20个参考文献、表格和图表。
Many utilities are challenged by problems associated with disinfection byproduct (DBP) control. Alternative strategies available for reaching goals include: moving the point of chlorine application downstream; splitting the overall chlorine dose between two points of application; or, utilizing alternative oxidants. Both potassium permanganate and chlorine dioxide have shown to reduce DBP formation. More specifically, as an effective oxidant and a successful disinfectant for Cryptosporidium, chlorine dioxide (ClO2) has shown especially promising results. Though ClO2 doses are limited by the formation of inorganic DBPs, ClO2 forms fewer regulated organic DBPs compared to chlorine. The primary objectives of this study were to systematically test: the impact on DBP formation under alternative strategies and oxidants at the pilot scale level; and, evaluate the use of ClO2 under preoxidant and primary disinfectant scenarios by the quantification of organic DBP formation at the bench scale. Generally, both alternative strategies in chlorine dosing resulted in a decrease in DBP formation measured at the 24-hour sample point. Moreover, as the chlorine dose was reduced, DBP formation decreased as well. Total trihalomethane (TTHM) and haloacetic acid (HAA5) formation were reduced by an average of 27 and 16 percent, respectively, when splitting the chlorine dose and by 11 and 7 percent, respectively when moving the point of chlorination downstream from the rapid mix to mid-flocculation. When moving the entire dose of chlorine to post sedimentation, the TTHM and HAA5 formation was reduced by about 50 percent. The alternative oxidants were also successful at reducing DBP formation: 36 and 53 percent for TTHM under preoxidation with KMnO4 and ClO2 respectively, and 39 and 55 for HAA5 formation, respectively. The impact of ClO2 as a preoxidant or primary disinfectant on TTHM and HAA5 formation was evaluated on four source waters. Under the primary disinfection condition, TTHM and HAA5 formation at the 24-hour sample point was reduced by an average of 50 and 34 percent, respectively. Under preoxidation, the TTHM formation was reduced by an average of 33 percent, while the HAA5 formation actually showed an average increase of 27 percent. Includes 20 references, tables, figure.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会