Ceramic tiles — Grouts and adhesives — Part 5: Requirements, test methods, evaluation of conformity, classification and designation of liquid-applied waterproofing membranes for use beneath ceramic tiling bonded with adhesives
陶瓷砖 - 胶浆和粘合剂 - 第5部分:粘合粘合剂的陶瓷贴面使用的液体应用防水膜的一致性 分类和指定的要求 测试方法
ISO 13007-5:2015给出了有关产品的术语,并规定了与瓷砖粘合剂相关的液体防水产品的试验方法(见附录A)和性能要求值。它规定了瓷砖下面液体防水产品的合格性评估、分类和名称。
ISO 13007-5:2015 gives terminology concerning the products, and specifies test methods (see Annex A) and values of performance requirements, for liquid-applied waterproofing products associated with tile adhesives. It specifies the evaluation of conformity and the classification and designation of liquid-applied waterproofing products beneath ceramic tiling.
It is applicable to all liquid-applied waterproofing membranes?including polymer modified cementitious coatings, dispersions and reaction resin coatings?used beneath ceramic tiling for internal and external tile installations on walls and floors.
NOTE Liquid-applied waterproofing products can also be used beneath other types of tiles (natural and agglomerated stones, etc.), as long as an adverse reaction does not occur between the membrane and the alternative tile.