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现行 AWWA ACE58207
Pipe-Loop Studies Evaluating Nitrification and Disinfection By-Product Formation Following the Conversion to Chloramines 管道循环研究 评估转化为氯胺后硝化和消毒副产物的形成
发布日期: 2003-06-15
作为凤凰城(City)水质总体规划更新的一部分,卡罗洛 工程师马尔科姆·皮尔尼公司和纳拉西姆汉咨询服务公司共同努力确定 促进城市遵守未来法规的处理策略。由于天气暖和 该市原水水源中的夏季温度和高总有机碳(TOC) 城市可能难以达到消毒副产品的预期未来监管水平 (DBP)形成符合长期2强化地表水处理规则的要求 (LT2ESWTR)和第2阶段消毒剂/消毒副产品(D/DBP)规则。一 正在考虑的治疗方案是使用氯胺作为二级消毒剂。 研究表明,氯胺是三卤甲烷(THM)的有效控制策略 和卤乙酸;然而,这个过程也有一些缺点,比如 硝化作用和其他DBP(例如n-亚硝二甲胺(NDMA)和氰)的形成 氯化物(CNCl))可能会限制其在城市中的实用性。本文介绍了现场试验的结果 评估了氯胺的使用情况。 这项研究的目的是: 评估氯胺在配电系统中的残留衰减; 评估氯胺化条件下分配系统中的硝化潜力; 评估工程控制措施的有效性,以尽量减少硝化作用; 和 评估配电系统中与氯胺相关的DBP。 建造了一个管道回路装置来模拟城市的配电系统,并进行了测试 为达到目标而进行的培训。此外,一些实验室规模的模拟配电系统 (SDS)测试已完成,以补充中试规模管道回路的结果。包括表格、数字。
As part of the Water Quality Master Plan Update for the City of Phoenix (City), Carollo Engineers, Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., and Narasimhan Consulting Services worked to identify treatment strategies to facilitate the City's compliance with future regulations. Due to warm summer temperatures and high total organic carbon (TOC) in the City's raw water sources, the City may have difficulty meeting the anticipated future regulated levels for disinfection byproduct (DBP) formation as required by the Long-Term 2 Enhanced Surface Water Treatment Rule (LT2ESWTR) and the Stage 2 Disinfectant/Disinfection Byproduct (D/DBP) Rule. One treatment alternative under consideration is using chloramines as a secondary disinfectant. Research has shown chloramines to be an effective control strategy for trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs); however, there are also drawbacks to the process such as nitrification and formation of other DBPs (e.g., n-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and cyanogen chloride (CNCl)) that may limit its practicality for the City. This paper presents results of field testing that evaluated the use of chloramines. The objectives of the study were to: evaluate chloramine residual decay in the distribution system; evaluate nitrification potential in the distribution system under chloraminated conditions; evaluate effectiveness of engineering controls to minimize nitrification; and, evaluate DBPs associated with chloramines in the distribution system. A pipe-loop apparatus was constructed to simulate the City's distribution system, and tests were conducted to meet the objectives. In addition, some bench-scale simulated distribution system (SDS) testing was completed to compliment the results of the pilot-scale pipe-loops. Includes tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会