This document specifies a method for sampling, handling and extracting enchytraeids from terrestrial
field soils as a prerequisite for using these animals as bioindicators (e.g. to assess the quality of a soil as
a habitat for organisms).
Basic information on the ecology of enchytraeids and their use as bioindicators in the terrestrial
environment is included in the Bibliography.Cross References:ISO 10390ISO 14240-1ISO 11465ISO 23611-1ISO 23611-4ISO 11272ISO 14240-2ISO 18400-101ISO/TS 29843-2ISO 10694ISO/TS 29843-1ISO 18400-206ISO 17601ISO 11277ISO 11461ISO 11274ISO 23611-5ISO 23611-2All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.