Railway applications. Braking. Brake pad holder
铁路应用 刹车 刹车片支架
BS EN 16451:2015适用于安装导轨的制动片支架
由有色金属材料制成的材料不受本标准约束。交叉引用:EN 10204EN 10328EN 14478EN 22768-1ISO 2768-1EN 50125-1EN 60068-2-6EN 60068-2-47IEC 60068-2-47EN 60721-3-5:1997IEC 60721-3-5:1997EN 61373IEC 61373EN ISO 6506-1ISO 6507-1ISO 6507-1ISO 6507-1ISO 6507-1ISO 6892-1ISO 9227EN ISO 14284EN ISO 148-
1 ISO 148-1购买本文件时可获得的所有现行修订均包含在购买本文件中。
BS EN 16451:2015 applies to the brake pad holders with which the rail
vehicles of main-line railways, regional and suburban railways are fitted. Brake pad holders pursuant to this
standard are to be made from ferrous materials e.g. cast iron, cast steel or forged steel. Brake pad holders
made of non-ferrous materials are not subject of this standard.Cross References:EN 10204EN 10328EN 14478EN 22768-1ISO 2768-1EN 50125-1EN 60068-2-6IEC 60068-2-6EN 60068-2-47IEC 60068-2-47EN 60721-3-5:1997IEC 60721-3-5:1997EN 61373IEC 61373EN ISO 6506-1ISO 6506-1EN ISO 6507-1ISO 6507-1EN ISO 6508-1ISO 6508-1EN ISO 6892-1ISO 6892-1EN ISO 9227ISO 9227EN ISO 14284ISO 14284EN ISO 148-1ISO 148-1All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.