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现行 ASTM D5924-18
Standard Guide for Selection of Simulation Approaches in Geostatistical Site Investigations 地统计调查模拟方法选择标准指南
发布日期: 2018-07-15
1.1 本指南涵盖了决定为现场调查问题选择合适模拟方法的条件。这里考虑的替代模拟方法有条件和非条件、指示符和高斯、单个和多个实现、点和块。 1.2 本指南描述了在地质统计现场调查中使用模拟作为估算的适当替代方法的条件。 1.3 本指南不讨论地质统计学的基本原理。地质统计学的介绍可以在许多文本中找到,包括参考文献 ( 1- 3. ) . 2. 1.4 本指南仅涉及一般模拟方法,不讨论当前使用的特定模拟算法。参考文献中对此进行了描述 ( 4- 6. ) . 1.5 本指南提供了有组织的信息收集或一系列选项,并不推荐具体的行动方案。 本文件不能取代教育或经验,应与专业判断一起使用。并非本指南的所有方面都适用于所有情况。本ASTM标准不代表或取代必须根据其判断给定专业服务的充分性的谨慎标准,也不应在不考虑项目的许多独特方面的情况下应用本文件。本文件标题中的“标准”一词仅表示该文件已通过ASTM共识程序获得批准。 1.6 本国际标准是根据世界贸易组织技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)委员会发布的《关于制定国际标准、指南和建议的原则的决定》中确立的国际公认标准化原则制定的。 ====意义和用途====== 4.1 本指南旨在鼓励地质统计模拟应用于环境、岩土工程和水文地质现场调查的一致性和彻底性。 4.2 本指南可用于协助进行模拟研究的人员,或为审查或审计研究的合格非参与者解释程序。 4.3 本指南应与指南一起使用 D5549 , D5922 和 D5923 . 4.4 本指南描述了推荐使用模拟或特定模拟方法的条件。然而,如果没有遇到所述条件,这些方法并不一定不合适。
1.1 This guide covers the conditions that determine the selection of a suitable simulation approach for a site investigation problem. Alternative simulation approaches considered here are conditional and nonconditional, indicator and Gaussian, single and multiple realization, point, and block. 1.2 This guide describes the conditions for which the use of simulation is an appropriate alternative to the use of estimation in geostatistical site investigations. 1.3 This guide does not discuss the basic principles of geostatistics. Introductions to geostatistics may be found in numerous texts including Refs ( 1- 3 ) . 2 1.4 This guide is concerned with general simulation approaches only and does not discuss particular simulation algorithms currently in use. These are described in Refs ( 4- 6 ) . 1.5 This guide offers an organized collection of information or a series of options and does not recommend a specific course of action. This document cannot replace education or experience and should be used in conjunction with professional judgment. Not all aspects of this guide may be applicable in all circumstances. This ASTM standard is not intended to represent or replace the standard of care by which the adequacy of a given professional service must be judged, nor should this document be applied without consideration of a project's many unique aspects. The word “Standard” in the title of this document means only that the document has been approved through the ASTM consensus process. 1.6 This international standard was developed in accordance with internationally recognized principles on standardization established in the Decision on Principles for the Development of International Standards, Guides and Recommendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. ====== Significance And Use ====== 4.1 This guide is intended to encourage consistency and thoroughness in the application of geostatistical simulation to environmental, geotechnical, and hydrogeological site investigations. 4.2 This guide may be used to assist those performing a simulation study or as an explanation of procedures for qualified nonparticipants who may be reviewing or auditing the study. 4.3 This guide should be used in conjunction with Guides D5549 , D5922 , and D5923 . 4.4 This guide describes conditions for which simulation or particular simulation approaches are recommended. However, these approaches are not necessarily inappropriate if the stated conditions are not encountered.
归口单位: D18.01