This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the Catskill and Delaware Water System and the fouling pilot study objectives that included: examining the sleeve fouling potential including seasonal effects and the impact of pre-chlorination, the impact of chlorine detention time, and the impact of water chemistry (pH, fluoride); and, the operational impact related to
cleaning frequency. The fouling pilot study layout included 3 trains, the first two of which are the focus of this presentation:
Train 1 - ITT/Wedeco LPHO (Spektrotherm Lamps) and
two parallel units, Unit A chlorinated; and,
Train 2 - Trojan MP, one unit, chlorinated. A summary of pilot study runs is presented, along with operating parameters. The operational impact is provided along with pilot conclusions: chlorination with sodium hypochlorite upstream
of the ultraviolet (UV) units increases fouling; seasonal water temperature impacts fouling; longer chlorine detention time may decrease
fouling potential; and, addition of fluoride and/or pH suppression
decreases fouling potential. Includes tables, figures.