Indoor, ambient and workplace air — Sampling and analysis of volatile organic compounds by sorbent tube/thermal desorption/capillary gas chromatography — Part 2: Diffusive sampling
ISO 16017-2:20 03为空气中挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的采样和分析提供了一般指南。它适用于室内、环境和工作场所的空气。
ISO 16017-2:20 03适用于广泛的VOC,包括烃、卤代烃、酯、二醇醚、酮和醇。建议使用多种吸附剂对这些挥发性有机化合物进行采样,每种吸附剂具有不同的适用范围。极性很强的化合物通常需要衍生化;非常低沸点的化合物仅部分被吸附剂保留,并且只能定性地估计。半挥发性化合物被吸附剂完全保留,但可能仅部分回收。
ISO 16017-2:20 03适用于测量暴露时间约为0,002 mg/m3至100mg/m3单个有机物浓度范围为8小时,或暴露时间约为0.3 g/m3至300g/m3单个有机物浓度范围为四周。有用范围的上限由所用吸附剂的吸附能力以及气相色谱柱和检测器的线性动态范围或所用分析仪器的样品分离能力来设定。有用范围的下限取决于检测器的噪声水平和分析物的空白水平和/或吸附剂管上的干扰伪影。对于条件良好的Tenax GR和碳质吸附剂、碳化分子筛和纯木炭,人工制品通常为亚纳克;Tenax TA为低纳克水平,其它多孔聚合物为5ng至50ng水平。
ISO 16017-2:2003 gives general guidance for the sampling and analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in air. It is applicable to indoor, ambient and workplace air.
ISO 16017-2:2003 is applicable to a wide range of VOCs, including hydrocarbons, halogenated hydrocarbons, ester, glycol ethers, ketones and alcohols. A number of sorbents are recommended for the sampling of these VOCs, each sorbent having a different range of applicability. Very polar compounds generally require derivatisation; very low boiling compounds are only partially retained by the sorbents and can only be estimated qualitatively. Semi-volatile compounds are fully retained by the sorbents, but may only be partially recovered.
ISO 16017-2:2003 is applicable to the measurement of airborne vapours of VOCs in a concentration range of approximately 0,002 mg/m3 to 100 mg/m3 individual organic for an exposure time of 8 h, or 0,3 g/m3 to 300 g/m3 individual organic for an exposure time of four weeks.
The upper limit of the useful range is set by the sorptive capacity of the sorbent used and by the linear dynamic range of the gas chromatograph column and detector or by the sample splitting capability of the analytical instrumentation used. The lower limit of the useful range depends on the noise level of the detector and on blank levels of analyte and/or interferingartefacts on the sorbent tubes. Artefacts are typically sub-nanogram for well-conditioned Tenax GR and carbonaceous sorbents, carbonized molecular sieves and pure charcoals; at low nanogram levels for Tenax TA and at 5 ng to 50 ng levels for other porous polymers.