Industrial furnaces and associated processing equipment. Vocabulary
工业炉和相关加工设备 词汇
交叉引用:ISO 8421-1:1987ISO 10241ISO 13577ISO 13579ISO 13849-1:2006ISO 16852:2008ISO 22967:2010ISO 23550:2011ISO 23551-1:2012ISO 23551-4:2005IEC 61508IEC 61511EN 676:2008ASME 31.3CSA Z662JIS B 0155:1997JIS G 0201:2000JIS Z 8103:2000购买本文件时可提供的所有现行修改件均包括在购买时。
Cross References:ISO 8421-1:1987ISO 10241ISO 13577ISO 13579ISO 13849-1:2006ISO 16852:2008ISO 22967:2010ISO 23550:2011ISO 23551-1:2012ISO 23551-4:2005IEC 61508IEC 61511EN 676:2008ASME 31.3CSA Z662JIS B 0155:1997JIS G 0201:2000JIS Z 8103:2000All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.