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现行 ISO/TR 21136:2017
Timber structures — Vibration performance criteria for timber floors 木结构.木地板的振动性能标准
发布日期: 2017-04-13
ISO/TR 21136:2017回顾了过去30年世界各地木地板研究中制定的关键地板振动设计标准(使用计算参数的人类可接受性标准)。附件中提供了相关的设计方法。本报告中提出的方法旨在用于确定步行活动引起的木地板振动的人类可接受性标准。 建议的方法适用于以下木地板:由木托梁和薄木板底层地板制成的轻质地板,由带有厚木甲板的重型木梁制成的重型木地板,以及大量木地板,如交叉层压木(CLT)、钉层压木(NLT)和胶合层压木。
ISO/TR 21136:2017 provides a review of key floor vibration design criteria (human acceptability criterion using calculated parameters) developed in research studies on timber floor around the world over the last 30 years. Associated design methods are provided in the Annexes. The methods proposed in this report are intended to be used for establishing human acceptability criteria for timber floor vibrations induced by walking activities. The proposed methods are applicable to the following timber floors: lightweight floors made of timber joists and thin wood panel subfloor, heavy timber floors made of heavy timber beams with a thick timber deck, and mass timber slab floors such as cross laminated timber (CLT), nail laminated timber (NLT) and glued laminated timber.
归口单位: ISO/TC 165