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现行 SL-90-10-4
Automatic Analysis and Correction of HVAC System Simulated Performance: A Cooling Coil Case Study 暖通空调系统模拟性能的自动分析和校正:冷却盘管案例研究
目前的暖通空调系统仿真软件足够精确和灵活,可用于系统设计。然而,由于需要对仿真输出进行广泛的分析,以及如果系统性能最初很差,则难以采取措施纠正系统性能,因此阻碍了其与设计过程的集成。本文第一部分概述了基于智能知识的软件在暖通空调系统模拟性能自动分析和校正中的应用。第二部分描述了比例控制冷却盘管稳态模拟的实现。关键词:建筑服务、供暖、通风、空调、计算机程序、计算机、设计、自动、计算、性能、冷却电池、专家系统、稳态。引文:研讨会,ASHRAE交易,第卷。 96磅。1990年3月2日,圣路易斯
Current HVAC system simulation software is sufficiently accurate and flexible to be of use in system design. Its integration into the design process is hindered, however, by the need for extensive analysis of the simulation output and by difficulties in taking action to correct system performance if this is initially poor. The first section of this paper gives an overview of the use of intelligent knowledge-based software in the automatic analysis and correction of the simulated performance of HVAC systems. The second section describes an implementation for the steady-state simulation of a proportionally controlled cooling coil.KEYWORDS: building services, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, computer programs, computers, designing, automatic, calculating, performance, cooler batteries, expert systems, steady state.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类