ISO 11949:2016规定了薄板或线圈形式的单面和双面冷还原低碳低碳钢电解镀锡板的要求。
单块冷轧马口铁的标称厚度通常为0005 mm的倍数,从0150 mm到0600 mm(包括0600 mm)。双冷还原镀锡板的标称厚度通常为0005 mm的倍数,从0100 mm到0360 mm(包括0360 mm)。
ISO 11949:2016适用于从标称最小轧制宽度为600 mm的线圈上切割的线圈和板材。
[1] 经买方和制造商同意,可采用500 mm的标称最小轧制宽度。
ISO 11949:2016 specifies requirements for single and double cold-reduced low-carbon mild steel electrolytic tinplate in the form of sheets or coils.
Single cold-reduced tinplate is generally specified in nominal thicknesses that are multiples of 0,005 mm, from 0,150 mm up to and including 0,600 mm. Double cold-reduced tinplate is generally specified in nominal thicknesses that are multiples of 0,005 mm, from 0,100 mm up to and including 0,360 mm.
ISO 11949:2016 applies to coils and sheets cut from coils in nominal minimum rolling widths of 600 mm.[1]
[1] Nominal minimum rolling widths of 500 mm may be applied by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.