Introductory Text1.Citation, commencement and expiry2.Penalty range: audible intruder alarms3.Penalty range: commercialetc.waste receptacles and noise4.Penalty range: litter, distribution of printed matter, and graffiti and fly-posting: 1st April 2018 to 31st March 20195.Penalty range: litter, distribution of printed matter, and graffiti and fly-posting: 1st April 2019 onwards6.Default penalty: litter and distribution of printed matter7.Default penalty: graffiti and fly-posting8.Lesser penalty: litter, distribution of printed matter, graffiti and fly-posting, and audible intruder alarms9.Lesser penalty: commercial etc. waste receptacles, noise, and exposing for sale etc. vehicles on roads10.Lesser penalty: abandoning vehicles11.Lesser penalty: transporting controlled waste and duty of care for waste12.Authorising notice-giving: condition: parish or community councils13.RevocationsSignatureExplanatory Note