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现行 CH-18-C066
Simulation Study of Performance of Active Ceilings with Phase Change Material in Office Buildings under Extreme Climate Conditions 极端气候条件下办公建筑相变材料活动顶棚性能的模拟研究
本研究考察了在极端气候条件下,相变材料(PCM)在活动天花板中的性能。其目的是减少年度能源消耗,同时仍保持符合欧洲标准EN15251中II类标准的室内气候。使用建筑模拟软件对八种气候进行了动态年度模拟。选择的气候是迪拜——阿联酋、伊斯坦布尔——土耳其、利马——秘鲁、莫斯科——俄罗斯、努克——格陵兰、萨尔瓦多- 巴西、日本东京和挪威特罗姆斯。针对每种气候制作了两个双人办公室模型;一个带有PCM的活动顶棚模型和一个不带PCM的全空气通风模型,用于比较模型并研究在活动顶棚中使用PCM的效果。结果表明,在冷却季节,PCM模型降低了室温峰值。没有一款PCM型号的温度超出预期范围,总体而言,它提供了比所有型号更舒适的室内热气候- 空气系统。除迪拜和萨尔瓦多炎热气候外,在所有测试气候条件下,PCM车型的PPD水平都较低。最大的能源使用差异出现在寒冷气候,即莫斯科、努克和特罗姆斯。Nuuk的PCM型号的年能耗比全空气系统低42%,而TromsÃ和莫斯科的PCM型号的年能耗分别低39%和30%。伊斯坦布尔和迪拜的PCM车型的能耗分别比所有车型低24%和13%- 空中模型。亚热带气候东京和萨尔瓦多的能源消耗分别降低了7%和2%。利马是唯一一个PCM模型对能源使用产生负面影响的气候,其负面影响为-20%。在寒冷气候条件下,PCM的实施在能源使用方面显示出最大的效益;然而,除利马以外的所有气候条件表明,通过降低室内最高温度和建筑物的能源消耗,采用PCM的活动天花板可以产生积极的效果。 引文:2018年冬季会议,伊利诺伊州芝加哥,会议论文
This study examined the performance of Phase Change Material (PCM) in active ceiling panels under extreme climate conditions. The purpose was to reduce the annual energy use and still maintain an indoor climate corresponding to Category II in the European Standard, EN15251. Dynamic yearly simulations were run with a building simulation software for eight climates. The chosen climates were Dubai –UAE, Istanbul - Turkey, Lima - Peru, Moscow - Russia, Nuuk - Greenland, Salvador - Brazil, Tokyo - Japan and Tromsø - Norway. Two models of a two-person office were made for each climate; one model with active ceiling with PCM and an all-air ventilation model without PCM to compare the models and investigate the effects of using PCM in active ceilings. The results results show that the PCM models lowered the peak room temperature during the cooling season. None of the PCM models had temperatures outside the desired ranges, and in general provided a more comfortable thermal indoor climate than the all-air system. The PPD level was lower for the PCM models in all of the tested climates, except for the hot climates Dubai and Salvador.The largest differences in energy use were found in the cold climates, namely Moscow, Nuuk and Tromsø. The PCM model of Nuuk used 42% less energy annually than the all-air system, while the PCM models of Tromsø and Moscow had 39% and 30% lower annual energy use, respectively. The PCM models of Istanbul and Dubai showed an energy use 24% and 13% lower compared to the all-air models. The subtropical climates Tokyo and Salvador had an 7% and 2% lower energy use, respectively. Lima was the only climate where the PCM model had a negative effect on the energy use with -20%. The implementation of PCM showed to have the largest benefit in terms of energy use under cold climate conditions; however, all climates, except for Lima, showed that active ceilings with PCM could be implemented with positive effects by lowering the peak room temperatures and the energy use in buildings.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类