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现行 LA-2568
A Mathematical Model for Predicting Attic Ventilation Rates Required for Preventing Condensation on Roof Sheathing 预测防止屋顶覆盖层冷凝所需阁楼通风率的数学模型
提出了一个预测住宅阁楼空间传热和水分传递过程的数学模型。该模型用于预测阁楼通风速率,以防止屋顶覆盖层下侧冷凝或结霜。阁楼通风图表涵盖了各种室外温度、天花板热阻和天花板空气穿透率。研究了天花板蒸汽屏障的有效性。 研究了室内加湿对所需阁楼通风率的影响。利用Hinrichs的实测数据,将数学模型预测的阁楼通风率转换为拱腹通风的净自由通风面积。随后将这些数值与ASHRAE的阁楼通风要求和HUD最低性能标准进行比较。引文:加利福尼亚州洛杉矶ASHRAE Transactions第86卷第1部分
A mathematical model for predicting the heat transfer and moisture-transfer processes in residential attic spaces is presented. This model is utilized to predict attic ventilation rates required for preventing condensation or frost accumulation on the underside of roof sheathing. Attic ventilation charts are developed covering a wide range of outdoor temperatures, ceiling thermal resistances, and ceiling air penetration rates. The effectiveness of a ceiling vapor barrier is investigated. The effect of indoor humidification on the required attic ventilation rate is examined. Using measured data of Hinrichs, attic ventilation rates predicted by the mathematical model are converted into net free ventilation areas for soffit venting. These values are subsequently compared with the attic ventilation requirements of ASHRAE and the HUD Minimum Property Standards.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类