This powerpoint presentation begins by presenting the following study objectives: analyze potential sources of MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether)
contamination based on publicly available information;
conduct groundwater flow and contaminant transport modeling to
evaluate short and long-term trends in MTBE concentrations;
develop MTBE raw water and finished water design criteria;
conduct comparative analysis of air stripping and granular activated
carbon (GAC) such as cost estimates and
life cycle cost analysis; and,
select a treatment technology for application at Station 6. Project background includes the following:
New York City (NYC) Department of Environmental
Protection (DEP) is reactivating a series
of groundwater wells in Brooklyn and
Queens; the wells range in depth from 80 to 150
feet; and,
water quality concerns include iron,
hardness, and
MTBE and tetrachloroethylene (PCE). Station 6 Demonstration Plant is a
new 10-mgd treatment
plant that
treats water from 6 wells and
provides treatment for the
iron / manganese;
volatile organic compounds
(VOC's) removal; and,
softening. Presentation conclusions indicate that GAC is recommended for VOC removal at the Station
6 Plant for the following reasons:
lower initial capital cost and life cycle cost;
more amenable to technology changes/upgrades;
smaller overall footprint;
simpler building design; and,
ability to treat range of contaminants
(concentrations and types). Includes tables, figures.