Facilitating Total Water Resources Planning by Integrating Potable Water, Reclaimed Water, and Wastewater Projections in a GIS Environment
通过在GIS环境中集成饮用水、再生水和废水预测 促进水资源总体规划
This powerpoint presentation begins by providing a brief overview of the problem of a development boom in Sunrise, Arizona, and the uncertain water resources. Project requirements are presented and include:
develop a tool to dynamically forecast water
resources needs;
select strategy for managing all water resources
to sustain planned development;
select strategy for future reclaimed water
conduct modeling of future infrastructure
alternatives (DW, RW, WW, Recharge); and,
develop recommended schedule of
infrastructure development and costs. IT solutions facilitate total
water management planning including the following:
demand module removed limitations on
planning projections;
dashboard approach helped stakeholders
visualize "what if" scenario planning;
IT planning tools minimized back and forth;
decisions were made in a single, fluid workshop; and,
demand module facilitated model development
and alternative evaluation.