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现行 ISO 20342-1:2022
Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down — Part 1: General requirements 躺下时组织完整性辅助产品.第1部分:一般要求
发布日期: 2022-07-19
本文件规定了与医院、家庭护理和机构等不同应用环境中卧姿组织完整性辅助产品(APTI)相关的一般要求和相关测试方法。本文件适用于拟在躺着期间保持原位的APTI的安全,并用于预防和/或治疗压力伤害。 本文件涵盖了一系列不同的躺着支撑面,这些支撑面拟与适当的支撑平台(包括可调节的)结合使用,或作为一个整体系统使用。 本文件不适用于病床。 本文件还涵盖了主要用于改变卧位的组织完整性的辅助产品和用于维持卧位的辅助产品。 本文件不适用于与孵化器或手术台结合使用的卧式支撑面。 它还包括安全和性能测试方法,以确保保护用户免受伤害。 本文件介绍了全身支撑面和可调节床垫支撑平台的组合。它还包括安全和性能测试方法,以确保保护用户免受伤害。 本文件规定了以下ISO分类中APTI的要求和试验方法9999:2022: 04 33 06躺下时用于组织完整性的辅助产品,包括但不限于 —?用于预防压力伤害的床垫和床垫覆盖层,以及 —?用于预防压力伤害的床垫覆盖物。 12 31 03滑动和转弯辅助产品,包括但不限于: 使用滑动或旋转技术改变人的位置或方向的装置。 所包含的唯一产品是拟用于卧位并作为卧位支撑面的一部分留在原位的产品。它们如下: —?单向滑动并锁定另一方向的滑动产品; —?低摩擦柔性材料的板材和衬底; —?按米出售的织物,根据重新定位使用的需要裁剪; —?动力车削产品; 这不包括滑板,除非产品打算留在原地。 09 07 06定位枕头、定位靠垫和定位系统,包括但不限于 —?腿定位器, —?臂定位器,以及 —?多功能车身定位器。 18 12 15床上用品,包括但不限于 —?绘制图纸。
This document specifies general requirements and related test methods that are relevant to assistive products for tissue integrity (APTI) in the lying position in different application environments such as hospitals, home care and institutions. This document applies to the safety of APTI that are intended to remain in situ during periods of lying, and to prevent and/or treat pressure injuries. This document covers a range of different lying support surfaces intended to be used in combination with the appropriate support platform (adjustable included) or as a whole integrated system. This document does not apply to medical beds. This document also covers assistive products primarily intended for tissue integrity for changing a lying position and assistive products for maintaining a lying position. This document does not apply to lying support surfaces used in combination with incubators or operating/surgical tables. It also covers safety and performance test methods to ensure protection against injuries to the user. This document addresses the combination of a full body support surface and an adjustable mattress support platform. It also covers safety and performance test methods to ensure protection against injuries to the user. This document specifies requirements and test methods for APTI within the following classifications of ISO 9999:2022: 04 33 06 Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down such as but not limited to —    mattresses and mattress overlays for pressure injury prevention, and —    mattress coverings for pressure injury prevention mattresses. 12 31 03 Assistive products for sliding and turning such as but not limited to the following: Devices for changing position or direction of a person using sliding or turning techniques. The only products included are those intended to be used in a lying position and remain in situ as part of the lying support surface. They are the following: —    sliding products that glide one way and lock the other way; —    sheets and underlays in flexible materials with low friction; —    fabric sold by the metre, cut as required for repositioning use; —    powered turning product; This excludes sliding boards unless the product is intended to be left in situ. 09 07 06 Positioning pillows, positioning cushions and positioning systems such as but not limited to —    leg positioners, —    arm positioners, and —    multipurpose body positioners. 18 12 15 Bedding such as but not limited to —    draw sheets.
归口单位: ISO/TC 173
GB/T 44426.1-2024
躺卧保护组织完整性的辅助器具 第1部分:一般要求
Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down—Part 1: General requirements
ISO/TR 20342-7-2021
Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down — Part 7: Foam properties, characteristics and performance
躺下时组织完整性辅助产品.第7部分:泡沫特性 特性和性能
ISO 20342-5-2024
Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down — Part 5: Test method for resistance to cleaning and disinfection
ISO/TS 20342-10-2022
Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down — Part 10: Guidance to cleaning, disinfecting and care of polyurethane APTI covers
DIN EN ISO 20342-1
Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down - Part 1: General Requirements (ISO 20342-1:2019); German version EN ISO 20342-1:2019
躺下时组织完整性用辅助产品.第1部分:一般要求(ISO 20342-1-2019);德国版本EN ISO 20342-1:2019
Draft Document - Assistive products for tissue integrity when lying down - Part 1: General requirements; Amendment A1 (ISO 20342-1:2019/DAM 1:2021); German and English version EN ISO 20342-1:2019/prA1:2021
文件草案.躺下时组织完整性辅助产品.第1部分:一般要求;修改件A1(ISO 20342-1:2019/大坝1:2021);德语和英语版本EN ISO 20342-1:2019/prA1:2021