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现行 ISO 34256:2024
Adhesives for non-structural wood applications — Test method and requirements for resistance to static load 非结构木材用胶粘剂耐静载荷的试验方法和要求
发布日期: 2024-03-01
本文件规定了测定用热塑性粘合剂粘合的试件在规定时间内支撑给定载荷而不断裂或过度变形的能力的方法,并规定了平均存活时间的性能要求。 它应与ISO 19209和ISO 19210结合使用,它们根据非结构木材粘合剂承受各种水处理和相对快速施加载荷的能力描述了耐久性等级和相应的测试方法。本标准中描述的测试可用于评估用细胶线制成的接头,如ISO 19210中所定义。 笔记?本文件中描述的测试不是ISO 19209中给出的将粘合剂分类为D1、D2、D3和D4类的强制性要求。如果需要,这是买方可以指定的附加测试。

This document specifies a method for determining the ability of a test piece bonded with a thermoplastic adhesive, to support a given load for a specified time without fracture or excessive distortion, and specifies performance requirements for mean survival time.

It should be used in conjunction with ISO 19209 and ISO 19210, which describe durability classes and corresponding test methods for non-structural wood adhesives based on their ability to withstand various water treatments and relatively rapidly applied loads. The test described in this standard may be used to assess joints made with thin glue line, as defined in ISO 19210.

NOTE            The test described in this document is not a mandatory requirement for the classification of adhesives into the classes D1, D2, D3 and D4 given in ISO 19209. It is an additional test that can be specified by a purchaser if required.

归口单位: ISO/TC 61/SC 11