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现行 ISO 16264:2002
Water quality — Determination of soluble silicates by flow analysis (FIA and CFA) and photometric detection 水质与灰分;流动分析(FIA和CFA)和光度检测法测定可溶性硅酸盐
发布日期: 2002-06-06
该国际标准规定了两种方法,即流动注射分析(FIA)和连续流动分析(CFA),用于测定各种类型的水(如地下水、饮用水、地表水、渗滤液和废水)中的可溶性硅酸盐离子。两种方法均适用于测定0.2 mg/l至20 mg/l范围内的硅酸盐(SiO 2)质量浓度(工作范围为0.2 mg/l至2.0 mg/l和2.0 mg/l至20 mg/l)。其他质量浓度范围是适用的,只要它们正好覆盖十年的浓度单位(例如,SiO2中0.02 mg/l至0.2 mg/l)。 通过改变灵敏度和使试剂和校准溶液适应样品的盐度,可以使这些方法适用于海水。
This International Standard specifies two methods, i.e. flow injection analysis (FIA) and continuous flow analysis (CFA), for the determination of soluble silicate ions in various types of water (such as ground, drinking, surface, leachate and waste water). Both methods are applicable to the determination of a mass concentration of silicate (SiO 2) ranging from 0,2 mg/l to 20 mg/l (with working ranges 0,2 mg/l to 2,0 mg/l and 2,0 mg/l to 20 mg/l). Other mass concentration ranges are applicable, provided they cover exactly one decade of concentration units (e.g. 0,02 mg/l to 0,2 mg/l in SiO2). These methods can be made applicable to seawater by changing the sensitivity and by adapting the reagent and calibration solutions to the salinity of the samples.
归口单位: ISO/TC 147/SC 2