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现行 NY-14-C058
Evaluation of Seasonal Performance Improvements in a 3-Ton Air-Conditioning Heat Pump System Using a Novel Design of Integrated Electronic Expansion Valves and Distributors 使用集成电子膨胀阀和分配器的新设计评估3吨空调热泵系统的季节性性能改进
随着高效空调和热泵系统的出现,实现更高的季节效率在本质上变得更加复杂和渐进。因此,即使只提供了几%的改进,组件修改也会变得非常有吸引力。如果这些组件级的改进还可以提供次要的好处,例如减少材料清单或更紧凑的包装,那么接受和市场渗透的可能性就会很高。这种组件级改进的一个例子是,将步进电机控制的电子膨胀阀与多回路圆管板翅式热交换器的分配器进行了新型集成。本文描述了通过将这种新型电子膨胀阀设计应用于高效可逆式3缸发动机,从而实现季节性性能潜在改善的实验验证- t空调/热泵系统。这项技术的实施使SEER和HSPF分别增加了近5%和3%。引用:ASHRAE论文CD:2014 ASHRAE冬季会议,纽约
With the advent of high efficiency air-conditioning and heat pump systems, achieving even higher seasonal efficiency is becoming more complex and incremental in nature. For this reason, component modifications that provide improvements of even a few percent can become very attractive. If these component level improvements can also provide secondary benefits, such as a reduced bill of materials or more compact packaging, the likelihood of acceptance and market penetration becomes high. One example of such a component level improvement is the novel integration of a stepper motor controlled electronic expansion valve with the distributor for a multi-circuited round tube plate fin heat exchanger. This paper describes the experimental validation of the potential improvements in seasonal performance achieved by implementing this novel electronic expansion valve design into a high efficiency reversible 3-ton air-conditioning/heat pump system. The implementation of this technology led to increases of nearly 5% and 3% in SEER and HSPF, respectively.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类