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现行 ASA S12.72-2015(R2020)
American National Standard Procedure for Measuring the Ambient Noise Level in a Room 美国国家标准室内环境噪声级测量程序
发布日期: 2015-02-24
本标准规定了环境噪声测量的要求和程序 在一个房间里。可在房间内的指定点,在规定的区域内进行测量 房间或测量值可表示空间平均声压级 房间里到处都是。提供了两种方法:快速评估的调查方法和 更精确评估环境噪声水平的工程方法。既固定又移动 允许使用测量麦克风。本标准的范围包括所有类型的环境噪声 噪音,包括建筑公用设施系统和来自街道交通和飞机的外部噪音侵入。 不在本标准范围内的噪声源包括建筑物居住者和 瞬态噪声源。通过本标准获得的测量结果旨在 用于将测量的声压级与声学标准进行比较,这些声学标准与所给出的标准类似 符合ANSI/ASA S12标准。2.应注意的是,就其本质而言,环境噪声并不总是静止的 及时因此,人们不应期望在下列情况下获得相同的结果: 本标准在同一房间的不同时间使用。
This standard specifies requirements and describes procedures for the measurement of ambient noise in a room. The measurements may be made at a specified point in the room, in a defined region of the room, or the measurements may be made to represent the space-average sound pressure level throughout the room. Two methods are offered: a survey method for quick evaluation and an engineering method for a more precise assessment of the ambient noise level. Both fixed and moving measurement microphones are allowed. The scope of this standard includes all types of ambient noise including building utility systems and exterior noise intrusion from street traffic and aircraft. Noise sources excluded from the scope of this standard include noise from building occupants and transient noise sources. The results of the measurements obtained via this standard are intended to be used to compare measured sound pressure levels with acoustic criteria similar to those presented in ANSI/ASA S12.2. It should be noted that by its very nature, ambient noise is not always stationary in time. Consequently, one should not expect to obtain identical results when a procedure specified in this standard is used in the same room at a different time.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国声协会