Modeling Phase Change Materials with a Building Simulation Code Developed in MATLAB
在MATLAB中开发了一个定制的建筑模拟代码,以纳入校正方案。对StandardBest Case 600模型的模拟结果与ESP-r进行了比较。研究发现,当引入PCMs时,大时间步长下的温度分布存在显著差异。然而,当ESP-r中的时间步长减小,同时在MATLAB模型中保持较大的时间步长时,差异变小。引用:ASHRAE Trans。,第118卷第。
In this paper, the existing numerical methods to simulatephase change materials (PCMs) in building simulations arereviewed and two forms of the modeling scheme are explainedin detail. The first formulation is a non-iterative temperatureformulation which suffers from the requirement of extremelysmall time steps to produce accurate results. The secondformulation is an iterative enthalpy formulation which throughthe use of an iterative correction scheme at every time step, canproduce fairly accurate results for comparatively much largertime step values. A customized building simulation code wasdeveloped in MATLAB to incorporate the correction scheme.The simulation results were compared with ESP-r for the standardBESTEST Case 600 model. It was found that there wassignificant discrepancy in temperature profiles at large timestep values when PCMs were introduced. However, the differencebecame smaller when the time steps in ESP-r was reducedwhile maintaining the large time step in the MATLAB model.