Earth-moving machinery — Laboratory tests and performance requirements for protective structures of excavators — Part 2: Roll-over protective structures (ROPS) for excavators of over 6 t
土方机械——挖掘机保护结构的实验室试验和性能要求Spart 2:6吨以上挖掘机的防滚翻保护结构(ROPS)
ISO 12117-2:2008建立了一种一致且可重复的方法,用于评估静态载荷下挖掘机防滚翻保护结构(ROPS)的承载特性,并规定了此类载荷下代表性试样的性能要求。如果存在翻滚风险,则应使用ROPS。
ISO 12117-2:2008适用于ISO 6165中定义的质量大于6 t且小于50 t的液压挖掘机的ROPS。它也适用于用于物体或材料搬运、拆除或带有附件(如木材搬运和林业应用)的挖掘机或衍生挖掘机的ROPS。它不适用于带提升驾驶室立管的挖掘机。
ISO 12117-2:2008 establishes a consistent and reproducible means of evaluating the load-carrying characteristics of roll-over protective structures (ROPS) for excavators under static loading, and prescribes performance requirements of a representative specimen under such loading. ROPS are to be used where the risk of roll-over exists.
ISO 12117-2:2008 applies to ROPS of hydraulic excavators as defined in ISO 6165 with a mass of over 6 t and less than 50 t. It also applies to ROPS for excavator-based or derivated excavators used in object or material handling, demolition or with attachments such as in log-handling and forestry applications. It does not apply to excavators with elevating cab risers.