Ships and marine technology — Design, location and use of shipboard safety signs, safety-related signs, safety notices and safety markings — Part 2: Catalogue
ISO 24409-2:-2014规定了专门用于船舶的标准化标志和安全通知。每个标志都根据要传达的安全信息进行分类和索引。每个标志都提供了有关首选使用格式、使用和展示环境的相关信息,以及对预期受众的描述。ISO 3864-4规定的每个标志所需的形状和颜色,以及每个标志中包含的图形符号。ISO 24409-2:2014规定了可用于复制和应用目的的标志原件。它包括需要与补充文本符号结合使用以提高理解力的符号。随着新的船上标志和通知的添加、新要求的确定以及相应的安全标志和通知的制定和标准化,本目录将持续修订。
如果ISO 24409-2:2014中给出了ISO 7010参考号,则表示该符号与ISO 7010中的符号相同。
ISO 24409-2:-2014 prescribes standardized signs and safety notices specifically for use on board ships. Each sign is categorized and indexed according to the safety message that is to be conveyed. Each sign is provided with relevant information on the preferred format of use, the context in which it is used and displayed as well as a description of the intended audience. The shape and colour required to be used for each sign, as prescribed by ISO 3864-4, are given together with the graphical symbols contained within each sign. ISO 24409-2:2014 specifies the sign originals that may be scaled for reproduction and application purposes. It includes signs which require supplementary text signs to be used in conjunction with them to improve comprehension. This catalogue is intended to be under continual revision as new shipboard signs and notices are added and as new requirements are identified and corresponding safety signs and notices are developed and standardised. Where an ISO 7010 reference number is given in ISO 24409-2:2014 it means that the sign is identical to the one in ISO 7010.