Zinc or zinc alloy coated non-alloy steel wire for armouring either power cables or telecommunication cables-Land cables
交叉引用:EN 10021EN 10204EN 10218-1EN 10244-1EN 10244-2:2009EN ISO 16120-1ISO 16120-1:2011EN ISO 16120-2ISO 16120-2:2011EN ISO 16120-3ISO 16120-3:2011IEC 60468EN 10218-2:1996IEC 60502-1IEC 60502-2购买本文件时提供的所有现行修订。
Cross References:EN 10021EN 10204EN 10218-1EN 10244-1EN 10244-2:2009EN ISO 16120-1ISO 16120-1:2011EN ISO 16120-2ISO 16120-2:2011EN ISO 16120-3ISO 16120-3:2011IEC 60468EN 10218-2:1996IEC 60502-1IEC 60502-2All current amendments available at time of purchase are included with the purchase of this document.