Introductory Text1.Citation, commencement and interpretation2.Overview3.Comparison of items in the 2012 periodical return and the 2012 balance sheet4.Comparison Table5.Adjustments to Table amounts6.Table definitions7.Excluded items8.Apportionment in relation to a with-profit fund (1): category 139.Apportionment in relation to a with-profit fund (2): category 1510.Apportionment in relation to a with-profit fund (3)11.Apportionment in relation to a non-profit fund: categories 11, 12, 15 and 1612.Apportionment in relation to unrelieved FAFTS charge13.Apportionment in relation to a non-profit fund: category 1414.Apportionment in relation to a non-profit fund: other categories15.Apportionment to BLAGAB where section 67 of Finance Act 2012 applies16.Amendment to paragraph 20 of Schedule 17SignatureExplanatory Note