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现行 AWWA WQTC69290
A Simple Approach to Assessing Copper Pitting Corrosion Tendencies and Developing Control Strategies 评估铜点蚀趋势和制定控制策略的简单方法
发布日期: 2008-11-01
这项研究的目的是 评估简单管道回路系统和方案的有效性,以预测局部 配水系统中铜管道的腐蚀,并评估相关饮用水的处理方案 客户投诉针孔泄漏。定期检查设备的内表面 放置在回路中的铜管显示出局部腐蚀迹象(孤立的土堆) 腐蚀副产物)仅72天后。对拆除的管段进行仔细检查 从100天后的回路中可以清楚地看出,局部腐蚀正在发生。 对管道的横截面分析显示,深达0.75mm的凹坑被一根管子覆盖 薄膜和成堆的蓝绿色腐蚀产物。研究表明 简单、廉价的铜管回路可用于预测材料的点蚀倾向 铜管用于饮用水,以及评估处理效果 选择。包括3个参考文献、图表。
The objective of this research was to assess the effectiveness of a simple pipe loop system and protocol to predict localized corrosion of copper plumbing in distribution systems, and to assess treatment alternatives in a drinking water that has been associated with customer complaints of pinhole leaks. Regular examination of the internal surface of copper pipes positioned in the loop revealed signs of localized corrosion (isolated mounds of corrosion byproducts) after only 72 days. Close examination of pipe sections removed from the loops after 100 days clearly showed that localized corrosion was taking place. Cross-section analysis of the pipe showed pits as deep as 0.75mm that were covered by a thin membrane and mound of blue-green corrosion products. The study showed that simple, inexpensive copper pipe loops can be useful in predicting pitting tendencies of copper piping used for drinking water, as well as to assess the effectiveness of treatment alternatives. Includes 3 references, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会