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现行 CH-12-018
Modeling the Performance of ECM and SCR Parallel Fan-Powered Terminal Units in Single-Duct VAV Systems 单通道变风量空调系统中ECM和SCR并联风机供电终端的性能建模
单风管变风量系统通常使用串联和并联的风扇驱动终端装置来控制空调空间中的气流。开发了一个实验室验证的单风管可变风量系统模型,该模型使用串联和并联风扇终端装置,其中风扇速度由可控硅整流器或电子换向电机控制。单风管变风量模拟结果表明,与采用电子换向电机的并联系统相比,采用可控硅整流器控制电机的并联系统的年能耗没有显著差异。 这项研究包括模拟同一设施在美国五个气象地点的运行情况。引文:伊利诺伊州芝加哥ASHRAE Transactions第118卷第1部分
Single duct variable air volume systems often use series and parallel fan powered terminal units to control the air flow in conditioned spaces. A laboratory verified model of single duct variable air volume systems was developed that used series and parallel fan terminal units where the fan speeds were controlled by either silicon controlled rectifiers or electronically commutated motors.The single duct variable air volume simulation results showed that there was no significant difference between the annual energy used by parallel systems with silicon controlled rectifier controlled motors when they were compared to parallel systems that used electronically commutated motors. The study included the simulation of the operation of the same facility at five weather locations around the United States.
发布单位或类别: 未知国家-其他未分类