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现行 ISO 14886:2014
Ships and marine technology — Large yachts — Structural fire protection for FRP yachts 船舶和船舶技术 - 大型游艇 - FRP游艇的结构防火
发布日期: 2014-11-13
ISO 14886:2014适用于长度为24米及以上、最多可搭载12名乘客的大型玻璃钢游艇的结构防火。ISO 14886:2014不适用于受SOLAS管辖的船舶。 ISO 14886:2014通过使用传热傅里叶数,根据根据IMO FTP规范批准的耐火分区防火测试绝缘层压板,确定任何提议的绝缘FRP夹层压板与模型绝缘夹层压板的等效性。 该方法考虑了隔热层和FRP层压板的相关机械、热和物理性能。 ISO 14886:2014中使用的隔热元件和FRP耐热、防烟和防火的技术以及隔热的有效性通常适用于隔热FRP- 耐腐蚀材料。
ISO 14886:2014 applies to the structural fire protection of large FRP yachts of 24 m in length and over, and carrying up to 12 passengers. ISO 14886:2014 is not applicable to vessels subject to SOLAS. By using the heat transfer Fourier Number, ISO 14886:2014 determines the equivalency of any proposed insulated FRP sandwich laminate to the model insulated sandwich laminate based on a fire tested insulated laminate approved in accordance with IMO FTP Code as a fire-resisting division. The method considers the relevant mechanical, thermal, and physical properties of the insulation and the FRP laminate. The technology of the elements of the insulation and FRP resistance to heat, smoke, and fire used in ISO 14886:2014 and the effectiveness of the insulation are applicable in general to insulated FRP as a fire-resistant material.
归口单位: ISO/TC 8/SC 12