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现行 AWWA JAW28840
Journal AWWA - Microbial Activity in GAC Filters at the Choisy-le-Roi Treatment Plant AWWA杂志-Choisy le Roi处理厂GAC过滤器中的微生物活性
发布日期: 1991-02-01
为了在大型复杂网络中分配饮用水时保持其生物稳定性,必须满足高标准——即低细菌密度和低水平的可生物降解有机碳。法国巴黎Choisy le Roi处理厂采用二级颗粒活性炭(GAC)过滤(无需碳再生)。通过这种过滤可以有效去除溶解的有机碳,这主要是因为可生物降解的有机碳减少了。为了研究这种去除过程中涉及的微生物过程,已经开发了基于放射性标记示踪剂的新方法,以测量与GAC相关的细菌生物量和活性。包括26个参考文献、表格和图表。
To maintain the biological stability of drinking water during distribution in large, complex networks, high standards have to be met--namely, low bacterial densities and low levels of biodegradable organic carbon. Second-stage granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration (without regeneration of carbon) is used for this purpose at the Choisy-le-Roi, Paris, France, treatment plant. Effective removal of dissolved organic carbon has been observed with such filtration--mainly because of a reduction in the biodegradable organic carbon. To study the microbial processes involved in this removal, new methods based on the use of radio-labeled tracers have been developed in order to measure the bacterial biomass and activity associated with GAC. Includes 26 references, tables, figures.
发布单位或类别: 美国-美国给水工程协会