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现行 ISO/TS 23792-1:2023
Intelligent transport systems — Motorway chauffeur systems (MCS) — Part 1: Framework and general requirements 智能运输系统.高速公路司机系统(MCS).第1部分:框架和一般要求
发布日期: 2023-06-09
高速公路司机系统(MCS)执行3级自动驾驶?在有备用用户(FRU)在场的限制通行的高速公路上。MCS可以以能够响应不同驾驶场景的各种形式实现。本文档描述了MCS的框架,包括系统特性、系统状态/转换条件和系统功能。 MCS配备了一组基本功能来执行车道内操作,也可以配备额外的功能,如变道。 本文档规定了基本功能集的要求和验证这些要求的测试程序。这些要求包括车辆在当前行驶车道内执行整个动态驾驶任务(DDT)、发出干预请求(RTI)?在脱离之前,并在发出RTI后延长操作并暂时继续执行DDT。本文档描述了一种特定形式的系统参与。其它形式也是可能的。这些其他系统接合形式,尤其是与其他驾驶自动化系统特征结合提供的那些,不在本文档的范围内。 ISO的其他部分提供了附加功能的要求和测试程序?23792?系列。 与设置目的地和选择到达目的地的路线相关的手段不在本文档的范围内。本文件适用于安装在轻型车辆上的MCS。

Motorway chauffeur systems (MCS) perform Level 3 automated driving on limited access motorways with the presence of a fallback-ready user (FRU). MCS can be implemented in various forms capable of responding to different driving scenarios. This document describes a framework of MCS including system characteristics, system states/transition conditions and system functions.

MCS are equipped with a basic set of functionalities to perform in-lane operation and can also be equipped with additional functionalities such as lane changing.

This document specifies requirements of the basic set of functionalities and test procedures to verify these requirements. The requirements include vehicle operation to perform the entire dynamic driving task (DDT) within the current lane of travel, to issue a request to intervene (RTI) before disengaging, and to extend operation and temporarily continue to perform the DDT after issuing an RTI.

This document describes one specific form of system engagement. Other forms are possible. These other system engagement forms, especially those provided in combination with other driving automation system features, are not within the scope of this document.

Requirements and test procedures for the additional functionalities are provided in other parts of the ISO 23792 series.

Means related to setting a destination and selecting a route to reach the destination are not within the scope of this document. This document applies to MCS installed in light vehicles.

归口单位: ISO/TC 204