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现行 MSS SP-94-2020
Quality Standard for Ferritic and Martensitic Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges, and Fittings and Other Piping Components - Ultrasonic Examination Method 阀门、法兰、配件和其他管道部件用铁素体和马氏体铸钢件的质量标准.超声波检验法
1.范围1。1本标准实施规程提供了超声波探伤的方法和验收标准 阀门、法兰、配件和其他管道用奥氏体、铁素体和马氏体铸钢件和锻件 组件。本标准实施规程适用于铸件和锻件的初步检验,以及 检查维修情况。1.2本标准实施规程中包含的方法描述了将提供 可使用第11节验收标准的令人满意且一致的结果。1.3超声波检查和射线照相检查不具有直接可比性。 本标准实施规程旨在提供与上述铸件或锻件具有同等功能质量的铸件或锻件 通过MSS SP-54的方法接受。
1. SCOPE1.1 This Standard Practice provides methods and acceptance standards for ultrasonic examination of austenitic, ferritic, and martensitic steel castings and forgings for valves, flanges, fittings, and other piping components. This Standard Practice is applicable to the initial examination of castings and forgings and towards the examination of repairs.1.2 The methods contained in this Standard Practice describe uniform procedures that will provide satisfactory and consistent results upon which the acceptance standards of Section 11 may be used.1.3 It is recognized that ultrasonic examination and radiographic examination are not directly comparable. This Standard Practice is intended to provide a casting or forging of functionally equivalent quality to those accepted by the method of MSS SP-54.