Information technology - Office equipment - Test pages and methods for measuring monochrome printer resolution
信息技术 - 办公设备 - 用于测量单色打印机分辨率的测试图和方法
ISO/IEC 29112:2018本文件定义了客观测量打印质量特性的方法,这些特性有助于数字电子照相打印机产生的反射模式单色打印页面的感知分辨率。本文档的测量方法源自用于评估成像系统的分辨率特性的几种现有技术。这些测量方法中的每一种都旨在用于打印系统的感知分辨率的工程评估,而不旨在用于广告声明的目的。
本文件的方法仅适用于通过电子照相印刷技术以反射模式产生的单色印刷品。本文档适用于使用PostScript的单色打印机?[1]能够接受PostScript和封装PostScript(EPS)作业的口译员。[1]后记?还有封装的PostScript?是由Adobe Systems Incorporated控制和定义的可自由使用的页面描述格式的注册商标。这些信息是为了方便本文件的用户而提供的,并不构成ISO/IEC的认可。
ISO/IEC 29112:2018 This document defines methods for the objective measurement of the print quality characteristics that contribute to the perceived resolution of reflection mode monochrome printed pages produced by digital electro-photographic printers. The measurement methods of this document are derived from several existing techniques for the assessment of an imaging system's resolution characteristics. Each of these measurement methods is intended for the engineering evaluation of a printing system's perceived resolution and is not intended to be used for purposes of advertising claims.
The methods of this document are applicable only to monochrome prints produced in reflection mode by electro-photographic printing technology. This document is intended for monochrome printers utilizing PostScript?[1] interpreters capable of accepting PostScript and encapsulated PostScript (EPS) jobs.
[1] PostScript? and Encapsulated PostScript? are registered trademarks for freely usable page description formats controlled and defined by Adobe Systems Incorporated. This information is given for the convenience of users of this document and does not constitute an endorsement by ISO/IEC.